The Seven Deadly Sins of Blogging

2005/11/28 17:03

The Seven Deadly Sins of Blogging by Pinyo
1. Using Free Blog Hosting Services
2. Ignoring the Basic Principles of Good Web Site Design and Usability
3. Being the Jack Of All Trades
4. Not Posting Regularly
5. Publishing Badly Written Posts
6. Spamming and Stealing
7. Failing to Establish a Personality

Ten Signs of a Cheap Blog by Nick Wilson
2. The Host owns the Domain
3. Using the Default Template
4. Cheap Advertising
5. Posting "Daily Links"
6. Hit Counters
7. Colored Backgrounds
8. Fixed Width Designs
9. Stupid Fonts
10. Gimmicks

전자는 2번, 3번, 5번이 걸리는군요. Jakob Nielsen지적도 떠오르고요. 하지만 역시 가장 중요한것은 7번 "앙꼬없는 찐빵" 일 듯싶습니다. 후자는 5번, 8번이 걸리는군요. 6번은 재밌군요. "It's not 1997 you know?" 7번도 생각해 볼만하고요. "There's a reason whey people have been putting black text on a white background for 3000 years, it works!"

2005-11-29 오전 2:33
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