The 100 Best Products of 2005 (via 남쪽계단) 중에서 소프트웨어만 뽑아봤습니다.
1. Mozilla Firefox Web Browser
8. Skype VoIP Service
11. Zone Labs ZoneAlarm Antivirus Antivirus and Firewall Software
12. Mysoft Technology Maxthon Browser Plug-In
14. Webroot Window Washer 5.5 Utility
18. OnlyMyEmail Pro Spam Filter
22. 2BrightSparks SyncBackSE Utility
23. Moon Software Password Agent Password Manager
25. Winternals Software ERD Commander Data Recovery Software
26. Ubuntu Linux 5.04 Linux Distribution
28. Mozilla Thunderbird E-Mail Program
29. Cloudmark Anti-Fraud Toolbar Browser Security Plug-In
31. Cloudmark SafetyBar Spam Filter
32. Adobe Photoshop CS2 Image Editor
34. Apple ITunes Media Player
40. Tor Privacy Software
47. Microsoft Windows Media Player 10 Media Player
49. Best Software Simply Accounting Accounting and Personal Finance
54 ACD Systems ACDSee 7 Photo Organizer
57. Qnext Instant Messenger
59. SightSpeed Video Instant Messenger
61. Cerulean Studios Trillian 3.1 Instant Messenger
65. Adobe InDesign CS2 Desktop Publisher
68. Adobe Premiere Elements Video Editor
72. Roxio Easy Media Creator 7.5 Burning Software
76. Google Desktop Search Desktop Search Tool
80. FileMaker Pro 7 Database
81. Sunbelt Software CounterSpy Anti-Spyware Software
83. Acronis True Image 8 Backup Software
88. Opera 8 Web Browser
89. Copernic Desktop Search Desktop Search Software
94. EMC Dantz Retrospect Professional 7 Backup Software
99. Corel Painter IX Paint Program
| The 100 Best Products of 2005 [소프트웨어 리뷰]
2005/06/07 14:03
2005/06/07 14:03
Posted by lunamoth on 2005/06/07 14:03
(4) comments
lunamoth 4th - 최근 글
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